Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hinduism: Reincarnation

One aspect of hindu religion is the belief in reincarnation.  The basic idea is centered on the "wheel of rebirth."  This is the idea that the atman, or individual soul, is destined to be reunited with it's source,  moksha, which can be described as the hindu form of heaven.  But to you are fit to enter the realm of moksha you must be first be reincarnated from one life time to another.  It is believed that most of the personality is not carried from one life time to another, and in most cases you cannot remember past lives.  However, some people are convinced they know who they were in a past life.

In this first video (seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EWwzFwUOxA), a young boy named James seems to be a reincarnation of a fighter pilot from WWII. His strong interest in airplanes and mysterious knowledge of war proves to be strong evidence of reincarnation. Another seemingly convincing case of reincarnation (seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ruh9H7NjybQ), a woman, Sherrie Lea, a singer from Canada, has the strong conviction that she is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe, and others are convinced too.  The psychiatrist she was seeing to help her get over her supposed delusion of being the reincarnated Monroe, was so convinced that he wrote a book.  Though I can't help but notice Lea is now dying her hair blonde and has had a significant increase in publicity since this whole reincarnation of marlin Monroe thing took off.  I can't help but think that there might be some ulterior motives behind this alleged reincarnation.

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