Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hinduism Overview

Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world today.  It was started in 1800 B.C. and has about 900 million followers, mostly in India and other eastern countries.  No one person can be credited with starting Hinduism.

Hinduism can be divided into 6 different parts: Braman, Atman, Maya, Moksha, Karma, and Reincarnation.  Brahmnan is the idea that all people are bart of a common essence; that we are all one.  Atman is the God inside of you. I think of it like the soul.  Maya is the what causes trouble.  Its an illusion or incorrect way of seeing.  Moksha is enlightenment, what Hindu's strive to achieve.  Karma is basically the law of cause and effect.  You get out what you put in.  Reincarnation is the idea that after you die, your sould lives on and you are reborn again.  It is directly related to karma, because you reincarnation is based on the karma you accumulated in your previous lives.

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