Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hinduism: We are All On
A mind-boggling idea was presented to me today. The Hindu belief that we are all one. We are just one thing, but to make things interesting, we’re pretending that we are different things. Well we started off pretending, but we eventually forgot we were pretending and now we think that we are different, but in actuality we are all the same thing. We are all just one thing. And everything we know is not real. It’s just a “game” we made up to keep ourselves entertained. I didn’t really get it until I watched these two videos, and it’s still a little nebulous to me. Part 1 ( and part 2 (

I really like this idea though. I’d never really thought about it before. I always thought things are exactly as they’d seemed. I think that this big idea really broadened my mind. I’m not saying that I believe, but it’s definitely something to think about, to mull over in my mind. When it comes right down to it, it’s no more unrealistic than anything else. Personally, I think that it’s really stimulating to think that we are just one thing. That’s part of the reason I’m intrigued by other religions. I like hearing other ideas. I never would have even considered this possibility had I not been introduced to Hinduism.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like i can really relate with you on this broad and convoluted topic. Like you, when I was introduced to the idea--"we are all one"--in my major religions class, i never really connected it to myself. I thought of it as this far away idea that i didn't want to think about or believe, and i didn't want to stop "pretending". I thought only mystics and ascetics believed in those notions; I was being very closed-minded. The video did a good job of explaining these concepts very well.
    I think that our world is so fixed on believing in stereotypes and classifications that we are reluctant and even unwilling to accept this idea. Like the video mentioned, we force ourselves to pretend so often that we eventually come to believe in the things we make up. I think that many problems within people around the world are caused by this obsession with "the game"; for example, materialism is a big problem for people who become too preoccupied with worldly matters.
    I am also not completed convinced of this idea either, because this is such an evasive topic. It's not easy to break down the ideas that have been ingrained into my mind ever since i was a child; but i do often mull over this idea. I think about if it is possible for everyone to be one if there is clearly a "you" and "I".
